Forschungsarbeiten Volkswirte
Alle Arbeiten finden Sie in der Stiftungsbibliothek Annagasse 1, A-1010 Wien.
Rot hinterlegte stehen zum Download zur Verfügung:
- Omar Bamieh: Nepotism, Lawyers, and Court Delay“ (Das Projekt hieß ursprünglich: The Effects of Occupational) Licensing on Wages and Quality)
- Carl Heese: Enforce and Inform: the power of Collective Action
- Dominik Stelzeneder: Gender Differences in Competiveness. Does the Domain Matter? Experiental Evidence
- Matthias Fahn: Reciprocity in Dynamic Employment Relationships
- Christian Koch: Disclosure of Verifiable Information under Competition: An Experimental Study
- Melis Kartal: The role of Parental Background on Disparities in Children’s Competitiveness, IQ, and Economic Preferences
- Dominik Stelzeneder: Gender Differences in Competitiveness. Does the Domain Matter? Experimental Evidence
- Alexander Ziegenbein: The Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Changes in Good Times and Bad
- Andreas Darmann: Fair Allocation under Reduced Information: The Case Of Approvals
- Lennart Ziegler: Skill Demand and Wages. Evidence from Linked Vacancy Data
- Martin Wolf: Exchange rate regimes in times of crisis
- Stephanos Vlachos: The long-run consequenses of extractive institutions
- Florian Exler: Consumer Credit with Over-Optimistic Borrowers
- Victor Gonzalez-Jimenez: incentive contracts when agents distort probabilities*
- Omar Bamieh: Firing costs, Employment and Misallocations
- Florian Kandutsch, Robert Klinglmair: Das Finanzwissen der Kärntner Erwerbsbevölkerung – Eine Empirische Analyse der Einflussfaktoren
- Katja Kalkschmied: Rebunding Institutions
- Michael Nueber, Matthias Gass: Konfliktlösungen in Privatstiftungen
- Dr. Francesco Lancia: Youth Enfranchisement, Political Responsiveness, and Education Expenditure: Evidence from the U.S.
- Theresa Grafeneder-Weissteiner: Three pillars of urbanization
- Maximilian Gödl: A Model of the Eurozone-Krisis
- Eeva Mauring: International Cycles in Search Markets
- Alexander K. Wagner: Where Power Resides in Committees
- Juha Tolvanen: Bargaining with Private Deadlines
- Daniel Garcia: Dynamic Pricing with Search Fictions
- Dr. Matan Tsur: Information Design in Insurance Markets: Selling Peaches in a Market for Lemons
- Axel Sonntag: Focality is Intuitive – Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Time Pressure in Coordination Games
- Christoph Zwick: On the origin of current account deficits in the EURO area periphery: *A DSGE perspective
- Owen Powell: Analysis of Mispricing in Experimental Asset Markets
- Dr. Viktoria Blueschke-Nikolaeva: Optimal Control of Nonlinear Econometric Models with Rational Expectations
- Pedro Bom: Public Investment, Fiscal Rules and Intergenerational Welfare
- Dr. Ming-Jin Jiang: Bankruptcy Exemptions and Non-linear Pricing and Rationing in Small Firm Finance
- Dr. Francesco Lancia: Self-Enforcing Intergenerational Risk-Sharing and Pension
- Heiko Rachinger: Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship and Labor Market Adjustments
- Dr. Maryia Teteryatnikova: Does the growth in higher education mean a decline in the quality of degrees?
- Dr. Matan Tsur: Financial Contracts, Bargaining and Security Design
- Theresa Grafeneder-Weissteiner: Three Pillars of urbanization: migration, demography and growth“, Preliminary Version
- Natalia Shestakova: The Effect of Financial Selection in Experimental Asset Markets
- Melis Kartal: Gradualism in Dynamic Games. An Experimental Study
- Dr. Dmitri Blüschke: Optimal Control of Nonlinear Econometric Models with Rational Expectations
- Pedro Bom: A Feasible Generalized Least Squares Approach to Meta-Analysis
- Dr. Martin Christoph Geiger: Sovereign Default Rist and Spillovers in a Currency Union Research Proposal
- Dr. Daniel Garcia-Gonzalez: Relationship Finance and Monitoring
- Dr. Michael Greinecker: Payoff-Relevance
- Dr. Sandro Shelegia: Quality Choice of Experience Goods
- Dr. Mariya Teteryanikova & Dr. Maarten C.W. Janssen: Horizontal Product Differentiation: Disclosure and Competition
- Dr. James Tremewan & Dr. Alexander K. Wagner: On the Effects of Group Identity in Strategic Environments
- Mag. Elke Weidenholzer: Minimum Effort Game Experiment With Children
- Francesko Lancia: Politicians, Redistribution and Intergenerational Conflicts
- Owen Powell: Growth accounting: Comparisons across time and space
- Catherine Prettner: The transmission of Euro Area shocks to the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland
- Dr. Peter Vida: Collusive communication schemes in a first-price auction
Heinrich Graf zu Hardegg
* 8. November 1843 in Seefeld;
† 12 Mai 1898 in Wien
Geschäftsmann, Privatgelehrter
und Gründer der Heinrich Graf
Hardegg´schen Stiftung.